Flying and Gliding
Flying and gliding with the Air Cadets
Joining the Air Cadets opens up lots of opportunities, including the chance to fly! It’s our aim to get you airborne as often as possible, as a passenger in a light aircraft, a glider or even on-board RAF aircraft such as a Chinook helicopter.
Air experience flying
The Air Cadets use the Grob Tutor, a single engine two seat training aircraft for air experience flying. This takes place at Air Experience Flights (AEF) where all the instructors are current or former RAF service pilots who volunteer to pass on their knowledge and enthusiasm for flying to you. Flying takes place at one of 12 AEFs around the country, mainly at RAF stations. You're shown how the aircraft flies and given the chance to control it and experience aerobatics. And the views from 3,000ft are stunning.
Your gliding experience kicks off at a Volunteer Gliding Squadron (VGS) flying either the Viking winch-launched glider. Your focus, along with others from your ATC squadron or CCF (RAF) unit, will be to learn the basic principles of aircraft handling both on the ground and in the air. You will also have the opportunity to work towards various flying badges. At the age of 16 this culminates in the chance to apply for a gliding scholarship where if successful you will train to fly solo.
Pilot Schemes
Genuinely interested in a high-flying career? Why not aim for one of nearly 140 light aircraft courses available to air cadets each year at Tayside Aviation in Dundee?
A further 27 places are available at the Air Experience Flights (AEF) embedded with the RAF’s University Air Squadrons across the UK.
To apply you’ll first have to complete your non-solo flying course and win your solo glider wings.